Thursday, January 13, 2011

Where has the time gone?!

I cannot believe it has been over a year since I have last posted-lots of changes-some good, some, well, not so good! Where to start!?

1. We moved! Gave up our beautiful home in Northfield, MN to move to Podunk New Richland, MN; it was a move that was needed to complete our family status. Although it is still not complete, it sure made our choices a lot easier! We get to see all of our children (minus my step-kids) whenever we want to now, they spend lots more time here and we love it!

2. We have three cats-Gilbert, Anna, & Madison; a Siberian Husky-Scarlet; and a Lionhead Angora Rabbit-Baby Cakes. We did in fact place Lily in a different home, a home where she is the center of animal attention. No other cats, no dogs, no kids-she's happy! Scarlet is lonely, she needs a canine buddy-the cats are no match for her playtimes!

3. I lost 47 lbs from Oct 2009-May 2010; I gained 32 back from May 2010-present. I'm bummed out-I can't believe I allowed this to happen! I was doing so good, I watched carefully what I put into my body, I just can't believe it. But, I'm struggling to get back on it! Money IS an issue because eating healthy is soooo expensive! I miss multigrain, wheat snacks, salads, healthy meals, endless ounces of water, working out-SAD!

4. I gave up my awesome job to move down here; it was 55 miles one way-not an option for driving back & forth! So now I sit unemployed-bored-gaining weight-ugh!

So those are a few updates, nothing major, just updates that came to mind!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Catching Up

Wow it's been a while since I have posted anything-been kind of busy I guess! Nothing new really, the kittens are getting bigger, and more adventurous, and closer to going to their forever homes; only one has a forever home chosen though...what shall I do with the other four?? I planned to keep Henry, he's the cutest of the bunch, but then I would have to pay the outrageous price of $200 to have him neutered (don't want him knocking up his mommy)! We're contemplating whether or not to get rid of Henry's half-sister who looks identical to him; she's cranky, most times bitchy, but she has her good moments. If only I knew Henry would be likes his daddy, Gil, then I would keep him for sure, but Henry has been kind of bitchy lately too. Why get rid of Lily to keep Henry, only to have Henry turn out just like Lily? Sigh* decisions, decisions...

Remember my post about my last term at Kaplan? If not, read here about it! I am now on to my 4th term at Kaplan University and it started yesterday, but this term is a big 'en, I am taking 16 credits versus my normal 10 credits. I am now taking Forensic Psychology; Computers, Technology and Criminal Justice Information Systems; and Forensic Fingerprint Analysis!! Now tell me those don't sound interesting!

I made some phone calls last week to shop-a-round per say; one of the calls was to the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension in St. Paul Minnesota. Why? Because I found online some information that they offer internships there :) So, after digging around my degree plan, and finding a special class called CJ496 (CJ stands for Criminal Justice) I realized that I had all the qualifications to take this class; however, as I failed to mention in my previous post about Kaplan, I have to tell you about my degree plan!

I started out in the Bachelor's of Science-Criminal Justice program originally, but then I found out I qualified for the Dislocated Works Program through the MN Workforce Center due to being laid off in March, which they only pay for a 2-year degree or up to $5000 per year!!!! WOW! I can handle that, couldn't you? So, what that meant was, I had to downgrade myself from the Bachelor's program, down to the Associates (2 yr degree) program to satisfy the state in order to have them pay for my schooling-I was not about to complain. So I did the necessary paperwork and everything changed, my credit requirements went from 195 down to 105, some of my required classes changed, and my anticipated graduation date became a lot sooner-I was ecstatic!!! I met with my counselor at the Workforce Center on Monday and she informed me that being she had all the necessary paperwork, that I could go ahead and change my program back to the Bachelor's degree!!!!!!  So yes, my credits went back up to 195, my classes changed just a bit, and my anticipated graduation date was pushed out another 18 months but guess what-I don't care, and ya wanna know why???

This brings us back to order to qualify for this particular class, the student, me, has to have completed at least 30 credits towards the Bachelor's program, which I have done now that I changed it all back again, the student, me again, has to maintain a 3.0 or higher, which I have currently accumulated a 3.23 :) and, has to be in the Bachelor's program which I am being I just changed everything around again!!

What this means is, I meet all the requirements to intern at the MN BCA, now I just have to fill out all the necessary paperwork, make up a new resume and cover letter, submit it by the end of February, which by the way, means I will have 16 more credits complete by the time I submit it so that's 46 credits towards my 195 WHICH by the way-I tested out of 15 of them, so I need 180 to graduate!!! UFFDA!

So, submit: February, interview: May intern: June-August, IF everything goes the way I hope it does, that will be the time frame :)

On a side note, I will be applying for the Police Reserves here in Northfield around the 1st of the year; I spoke with one of the sergeants last night and he told me they like to have about 25 reservist on hand to help out with various city events such as Defeat of Jesse James Days and the St. Olaf Christmas gathering. If chosen, I will be able to do a ride-along with a sergeant whenever I am available to do so. Why do I want to join this? Because it gives me an idea of what goes on on the streets, plus I will be able to fill the void on my resume where it says Internships & Volunteering :) Win-Win situation!!

So anyway-enough about that-life is good, I miss my kids, that's nothing new at all, but they still insist on remaining with their father and grandparents. What do I do when they don't want to live with me?? It's not because I am a bad mom, it's not because I don't have much money, it's not because they don't like me or love me, it's because they don't want to leave the only school they've ever known. Is that so bad? To me, yes, of course it is, I am not going to bash their school district, but when Jaden went there for the 2 1/2 years he did, and then we moved to Northfield, we found out in a BIG hurry just how far behind he was. For Farmtown USA he was doing adequate progress, but up here in the big city of professionals and doctors?? Pfft-he was two grades behind!!

Jaden has an extensive IEP (Individualized Education Plan) which lists how many hours he is to receive assistance in the resource room with special teachers. Jaden is not handicapped by any means, he just has troubles processing certain things and needs more one-on-one time compared to his equal peers. Jaden's reading has come a LONG way from a year ago. At one time, he was 20 levels behind his class in reading, today? He's less than half the way behind them, and climbing!! I am so proud of him and all the help he is receiving at school not to mention all the time I stick into working with him. I just wish his dad would help out now and then to take the load off of me, but, those who know us best, know that will never happen :(

I went shopping at Barnes & Noble (first time ever-lame, I know) on Monday with my bestie, Leah. I was looking for some weight loss and dieting and healthy food books-LOTS of them but none that struck my fancy. I think I am doing quite well with what I am currently doing-who needs a book at this point right? From April 2009 through now, I have lost 21 lbs!! I think at least-I really dislike using different scales but I'm good with saying 21 versus the 17 I think it actually is lol Anyway-back to B & N-I found a Christmas Cyclopedia book, very tiny but VERY thick book-it has recipes, poems, carols, short stories, and even crafts! As we proceeded to the checkout, I was thinking about how we have never had a Christmas calendar (nor have I ever had one as a child) so when I saw the display of Advent Calendars, I was all over it! I found a great one that comes in a hardcover, the cover flips open both ways, here, take a look for yourself. Anyway-Jaden and I started it on Tuesday night, it has little stories that come out and can be used as ornaments too! I am so excited about it, I think even more so than Jaden lol

Well, enough for now-maybe more updates this weekend!! Going to be quiet-my oldest three children are not coming up for the weekend. I will be working on homework that's for sure, but, not until after I meet with Jamie, he's going to be my personal trainer; more about that another time :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I love my job but...

I work part-time as an Administrative Assistant for a small company here in Northfield, MN; I love my job, but...

I do not like that I work 12-5; these hours force our youngest to have very, very long days. He is up at 7, at school at 8, and remains there until I pick him up at 5:15 p.m. Nine hours at school!!!! Granted, he is at Kid Ventures which is a school/community based daycare facility that is offered throughout Northfield at each of the elementary schools. It is open from 6:30 a.m.-6 p.m.; it is even open on OFF days, minus major holidays!!!! That's a plus!! So why am I complaining? I don't know, the thought of my son sitting for 9 hours at school everyday, with the exception of Wednesday's when he attends after-school church, just bugs me. I want to be there when he gets off the bus, but I have to work the odd hours of 12-5 everyday.

Now, on MY off days, I do not get to stay home, I get to work 8-5. It doesn't happen too often and I actually think that once the 1st of January rolls around I won't be working many hours like this because my boss' vacation time will be spent :-) I like the extra hours as far as the paycheck goes-when I'm normally guaranteed 25 hours per week, sometimes it's nice to collect the almost 30 hour paycheck!! Why am I still complaining? I don't know, it could be because I have better things to do with my time rather than sit at a desk doing absolutely nothing for eight hours, or it could be because I actually do like my husband most days and would love to spend HIS off days cuddled up with him in our oversized, comfy bed, or it could be because I could be spending time on homework that so desperately needs to be thrown out finished, or it could also be that I don't like making our puppy, Scarlet, sit in her kennel all night long while we all sleep (she sleeps through the night though!) and then again all day long while I am at work! On these 8-5 days I have to get up an hour earlier because I feel guilty about making her sit in her kennel ALL DAY LONG while I do this 8-5 shift, so if I get her up an hour earlier, she gets to eat, pee, poop, and run like mad after the cats for an hour before being bound to her kennel for another five hours!! UGH! Five hours? Yes, I do get a lunch break on these 8-5 days :-) So I let her out at noon to pee, poop and race merrily around the house after the cats for about half an hour, then back to the dungeon for five more hours! UGH-again.

Another reason I don't like these 8-5 days is because of appointments-like I said though, I rarely work them, maybe three, four, or five a month these days, but today Jaden' has an appointment at five, what time do I work until? Five, which means I have to leave work early, which is kind of a pain today because of the holiday; everybody and their brother/sister are gone this week!!! But, my bestest co-worker ever, T.T., will save the day and watch the front desk for me to leave at 4:45. Which then I will race across town (within the speed limit of course) to get to Jaden's school, then race back across town, (still within the speed limit, I promise) to the clinic and hope to arrive ON TIME at 5 p.m.!

I don't know about you but I am exhausted from typing all that imagine having to think it, or do it, I know I know, LOTS of people work all day, and LOTS of people have to put their kids into daycare, and LOTS of people don't have dogs that go hours without attention, potty breaks, or free time. But I just hate this, I hate that Jaden sits at school that long, I hate that Scarlet seems to be neglected, I hate that I have to rearrange my life so I can squeeze in an appointment on THIS day because I have to work all day that day or half the day that day. UGH. But you know what...

I love my job! I love my job because the people I work with are awesome, I look forward to coming to work because I am doing a great deed for this company by displaying my crooked teeth happy smile to incoming prospects and vendors, I love my job because I get the ability to troubleshoot documents, type documents, data entry, minor shipping of products or paperwork, complete bulk mailings, and best of all-my job is VERY flexible. If I have to take a day off to run Jaden to his child psychiatrist, I can do that, or, if I need to go to my oncologist (November 30th, 2009) I can take the whole day off. Of, if I have a doctor appointment in town that is important, I can jumble my hours around, just so long as I am getting my hours in and doing my tasks before or after the appointment. I love that I get paid weekly on Tuesday's when everyone else here gets paid bi-weekly on Friday's (Manpower perks I tell ya)!

So while I grumble a lot about this and that, I am thankful for my job and the people I work with and I do hope this is going to be a long-term position for me while I complete my Associate of Applied Science in Criminal Justice with an emphasis in Crime Scene Investigations and Forensics; which, by the way, I have about 60-70 credits left, 30 completed!!!

I only wish that my hours were different, say, 10-3? Then I can get my five hours in, I can be home for Jaden at 3:20 when he gets off the bus, I would be able to have Scarlet out for a few hours before having to stuff her back in her kennel for five hours (she's still working on her potty training-almost 6 months old, is she behind on this task?).

I love my job-just sometimes not everything that goes with it :-(

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Another successful term at Kaplan University

Whew-that's all I can say about this term! Psychology, I was looking forward to it when I signed up last May, and then it started. This was the most difficult class thus far, but guess what, I still got an A!!!! How? I have no clue, but I did it. Four weeks ago I was at a 47% which all of you brainiacs know, is an F; I was 3-Discussion Boards & 1-paper behind. But, a couple of weekends ago, I sat down for the whole weekend and got everything caught up (thank you Leah for your clarification of Pavlov's Theory). A few days before this, my instructor called and we chatted for about 15 mins; I told her what was going on in my life: stress, depression, started an anti-depressant, seeking weekly counseling-I was on the up-and-up! She told me to get what I could done as soon as possible-she gave me full credit for everything I turned in! I closed out the class with a 90.7%-an A :-)

Now, my Criminal Procedure class-BORING! Aside from sitting through a seminar with Ben Stein I don't know anyone else who could be as boring. Professor 'Presto' is his name, and I think he should legally change his name to Professor 'Boring'-really, I do. Monotone, distracted, lack of control, ditzy-wow! I maintained an A the entire class but just barely. As of about 15 mins ago, I was awaiting the grades for 3 assignments; I unfortunately had my grade narrowed down to the point. I needed to score an 89% or higher to maintain my A. If I received an 88% or lower-I would drop to a B. Not a bad grade-but when you are trying to pull your GPA up-an A works better than a B :) Anywho-I just checked my grades, still missing two assignments but he graded my paper, the one and only grade I was stressing about the most-I got a 92%!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The other two grades are quizzes, and I already know what I got on them---so...that means I passed the class with a 90.3% which is, drum roll please-an A :-)

I am so excited you just don't understand!! Three weeks ago I feared I would have to retake my Psychology class, and today, I passed both classes with A's-can't complain there huh?

December 2nd I start my next term with Forensic Psychology (which I cannot wait for) and Computers, Technology and Criminal Justice Systems (a.k.a. computer crimes such as child porn, fraud, hackers, etc.), doesn’t that sound interesting or what?!

So, I bid farewell to Psychology and Criminal Procedures; 30 credits closer to graduating!!!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Troy & Kiel's Wisconsin Hunting Trip

Kiel got a buck at 7:15 a.m. this morning; he was in the stand with Grandma Julie (my mom) at 5:45 a.m.!!! Here's what it looks like!

Close up of my baby boy's first deer!

He's such a proud boy! 8 Pointer and all!

Not a huge rack but damn I'm proud lol

And here is Troy's 8-pointer that he got today but around 4 p.m.

And here is my baby boy with both of their kills!

Friday, November 20, 2009

hanging out at the Bailey's waiting for Leah's arrival. Going to be a long night-we brought Scarlet with!

Saying Goodbye (Temporarily, that is)

My hubby and 12 year old son, Kiel, are leaving for Wisconsin tonight for a weekend of deer hunting; they'll be staying with my mom and step-dad at their home. Kaelyn wants for us all to go but I really don't think I could handle a weekend with four kids, our un-potty trained puppy, plus us, in my mom’s small, rodent infested, single wide trailer. This type of thing does not trip my trigger, so I, Kaelyn, Karter, Jaden, and our un-potty trained puppy will just stay here in Minnesota.

As my close friends know, I had to have an unpleasant procedure done today; results will not be in for a least a week, maybe two. I hate the waiting period, I have had too many waiting periods the past 16 months and would like for these types of things to go quicker in the future. What was the procedure? Well, you know that unpleasant, annual visit we dread attend, the one that we go to alone and generally try to have a female perform this dreadful good-for-our-health procedure? That procedure was not done today, that was done October 22, the results from that procedure resulted in why this procedure had to happen.

See, about 16 months ago, I went in for my annual procedure and my wonderful 'female' doctor discovered my right ovary to be swollen. She let me know that this was not normal and would like to have an ultrasound done which was scheduled for the next day. Now, I have had four babies, I know how big my female organs are, I have seen them on the ultrasound monitor at least four times. So, when the technician started scanning my uterus, and then my left ovary, and then my right ovary, I knew that there was something wrong; my right ovary was about the same size as my uterus. Within 3 1/2 weeks I was scheduled for a laparoscopic right salpingo-oophorectomy a.k.a. a partial hysterectomy because there was a 9 cm mass in my right ovary. My left ovary, left fallopian tube and cervix were left behind because they all appeared to be healthy.
Biopsy results on the mass in my ovary showed that it was far from a mass, it was a tumor, Serous Cystadenoma to be exact! That day was one of the scariest moments in my life; I was home alone, got the call that the pathology results were in, and the doctor, not the one who discovered the mass in my right ovary, not the one who performed my hysterectomy, but the one who released me because the other two were not available, thought it was OK to inform me over the phone that I had cancer! Cold-I know!

But, I attend my dreaded oncology appointments every six months; I now will be visiting my gynecologist on the same schedule which brings me to today's procedure. My yearly came back abnormal, so, I had to endure lying on the table again today. Anyone heard of a colposcopy? I hadn't before November 6th, 2009. I found out in a big hurry what it was; two of my friends have had the same procedure done this year alone. So now I match them! As I said before, the test results won't be in for a week or so which at that time I will find out whether or not I have precancerous cells present or, cervical cancer or better yet-nothing wrong!
So as you see, I say goodbye to my husband and son (temporarily) for the weekend; I say goodbye to cancer, I say goodbye to my right ovary, fallopian tube and uterus, I say goodbye to a small chunk of my cervix and a great big HELLO to good health, happy times, and a wonderful family!

All of us minus one